Piero V.

I have become a professional FOSS developer

I had the luck to get to know free and open source software when I was still a kid. In this way, the willingness to share my knowledge became a part of my culture and personality.

If you browse this site, you will see that I have shared a lot of small projects, like FlatPress plugins. However, I have never been a long-time contributor to a big project.

Moreover, at the end of my University course of study, I had to do an internship to graduate. I went to a software company that creates proprietary programs for the enterprise. I remained for six months and then was hired as an employee, and I stayed for another two years.

I was on a small team developing a CAD, and I enjoyed working with my coworkers a lot (even though I worked remotely for most of the two years because of COVID).

But I did not like using proprietary libraries.

One of them was Parasolid, a geometry kernel developed by Siemens. It is powerful, but some functions are overly complicated to use. It comes with very prolific documentation, and its subscription includes technical support. But it is the only way to troubleshoot your problems: I could never find any public information online, which is extremely surprising in the 2020s! … [Leggi il resto]

Lo spirito Open Source

Tempo fa avevo cominciato il progetto di Cyanogenmod 11 per i dispositivi HUAWEI basati su Snapdragon 200, come l’Y530.

Per motivazioni varie ho dovuto mettere in pausa il progetto per qualche mese, però nel frattempo continuavano ad arrivarmi richieste su come avevo lavorato…

Poi qualche giorno fa mi è arrivata la notizia che un utente ha risolto un bel po’ di bug che non avevo avuto tempo o modo di risolvere e questo mi ha veramente riempito di felicità.

È bello pensare che se si fa qualcosa per la comunità poi si ottiene qualcosa 😊

Adesso devo ancora risolvere alcuni dei problemi che mi hanno impedito di lavorarci, però non escludo di poter creare un buon gruppo di lavoro, proprio secondo quello che è l’Open Source.