Piero V.

RealSense D400 and infrared streams

A while ago, I started working on a dataset I captured a few years ago with a Microsoft Kinect One.

I immediately realized the data looked much cleaner than the newer datasets I created with my Intel RealSense D435.

I had already noticed that, above a certain distance, the depth data was full of craters. I already knew the error is proportional to the squared distance, but for me, it was much bigger than expected. Therefore, I calibrated the sensors and now I stay closer to my targets during the acquisitions.

But for the last dataset I captured, I tried another strategy: I decided to save also the raw IR footage to process it offline.

Stereo vision

RealSense cameras are RGBD sensors: they provide simultaneously a color (RGB) and depth (D) stream.

There are several types of techniques to measure depth. For example, the original Kinect for the Xbox 360 uses “structured light”, and the Kinect One included a time-of-flight camera.

The RealSense D400 series is based on stereo vision, which works by matching the same point in frames captured by two different cameras. There is a relation between the displacement of this point (disparity), the relative position of the two cameras, and the depth. … [Leggi il resto]

OpenCV and time lapses

After buying my Pixel 4a, I decided to take a picture of a poplar near my home every day. I did this for one year, and I created a time lapse. But I will not publish it here because it would reveal where my home is 😜️.

Methodical is not enough

With time lapses, you usually keep your camera still, but this was not an option in my case. Therefore, I tried to be methodical in taking the various pictures.

I used a sewer cover as a point to shoot the photo and a telephone pole as a reference (its tip is close to the upper-left corner in every picture).

Still, the results were varied, but luckily OpenCV came to the rescue.

Homography matrices

We could say that my scenario is like capturing the same scene with different cameras. Therefore, we can compute the homography matrix to reproject one image to the previous one.

And OpenCV has a very handful function to do so: findHomography. It takes the coordinates of corresponding points as inputs, and it returns a 3-by-3 matrix as output.

If you are using Python, you must pass the points as two NumPy matrices. Both must have the same shapes: a row for each pair and two columns with the coordinates. The point at the ith row of the first array must correspond to the point at the ith row of the second array. … [Leggi il resto]

Kinect, Kinect One, OpenCV e OpenNI, come siamo messi?

Di recente ho giocato un pochino con i dispositivi del titolo: Kinect per Xbox 360 e Kinect per Xbox One. Ma non ci ho giocato né con l’Xbox, né per scopo (puramente) ludico: potrebbero diventare l’argomento della mia tesi di laurea.

Ma torniamo indietro un secondo, anzi di qualche mese. A metà febbraio ho cominciato il mio tirocinio obbligatorio per la laurea, e ho deciso di farlo presso un’azienda che sviluppa un software di modellazione 3D per Windows e Mac. Più precisamente, io mi sto concentrando sulla possibilità di creare plugin per questo software in Python, in aggiunta alla possibilità di farlo in C++, già esistente.

La cosa più diffusa per il mio corso di laurea è quella di fare il tirocinio lungo e poi la tesi che lo riguardi. Siccome il mio relatore si occupa di Computer Vision (il corso più bello che io abbia fatto
in 5 anni di università, davvero) abbiamo pensato di fare un qualche plugin che riguardi la computer vision per il software, almeno per scopo didattico.

Abbiamo avuto diverse idee, e alcune di queste riguardano l’uso di sensori che possano rilevare la profondità, tra questi ci sono le due Kinect, che sono abbastanza diffuse. In ufficio avevamo già una Kinect per Xbox 360, poi il mio amico Giacomo mi ha prestato una Kinect per Xbox One. … [Leggi il resto]